Travel on Foot
Useful Links
Walk 4 Health Campaign
Get involved in this local Middleborough initiative which helps people of all ages and abilities get into walking.
Active 10 Challenge
Download the Active 10 walking tracker app. It demonstrates how much brisk walking you’re doing and offers tips on how you can move more.
Go Jauntly
Explore walking routes in your local area or anywhere around the UK. Download the app and see where you can explore.
Lets Go Tees Valley
Provides news on sustainable travel and the most up-to-date walking and cycling maps for the Tees Valley.
Tees Valley Walking and Cycling Hubs
Keep up to date with local walking and cycling events happening in the Tees Valley area.
Middlesbrough Active Travel Hub
Join the TeesValley Walking and Cyclig Hub Facebook to follow local walking and cycling activities