0191 261 8679

Tanfield Lea Industrial Estate, Durham

Brief Description

A residential development comprising circa 365 residential dwellings and local shops.

Conditions requiring that the existing access to the site from the C128 be closed and new access be created to serve the site on New Front Street; however, a legal agreement was not completed and permission was not issued.

Revised site access arrangement and proposed speed reduction on the C128 resisted by the local highways authority.


Preparation of a speed reduction scheme with traffic calming measures along the C128 in support of the revised site access arrangement.

Liaison with Durham County Council highways in order to reach agreement on the revised site access arrangement and refine the speed reduction scheme.


The proposed speed reduction scheme and revised site access arrangement were accepted by the highways officers and welcomed by the planning committee who unanimously voted to grant planning permission for the development.


Persimmon Homes


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