0191 261 8679

Killingworth Way, North Tyneside

Brief Description

The proposed development was for 200 residential dwellings on Killingworth Way, North Tyneside.

Previous attempts at developing the site for residential use had failed due to site access issues and impacts on the surrounding road network.

Key Objectives

Desktop assessment to explore possible site access options. Consultation with local highway authority to seek approval in principle for the proposed site access arrangement.

Designing a signal controlled site access junction with bus stops and crossing facilities. Liaising with the bus operator to enable existing bus services to serve the proposed development.

Introducing a cost effective ITS system to coordinate signal plans at the proposed site access junction and the adjacent Weetslade roundabout to be signalised by the local highways authority.

Providing strategic advice to the client on the approach to the application.

Preparation of a Transport Assessment (TA) and a Travel Plan (TP) in support of the proposed application.

Collaboration with North Tyneside Council and their external consultants to create a microsimulation model to assess the development proposal.


Modelling results showed the proposed site access arrangement and ITS system not only would mitigate the proposed development impacts but also would reduce traffic congestion and delays on the surrounding road network.

The application received support from the highways officers at North Tyneside Council, contributing to planning approval.


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