Field House Surface Mine, West Rainton
Brief Description
SAJ Expert Witness helps to secure planning approval at appeal for a proposed surface mine at West Rainton
Key Objectives
SAJ prepared a Transport Statement (TS) and the transport chapter in the Environmental Statement (ES) for a proposed surface mine development at West Rainton, Durham.
The TS included an assessment of the potential impacts of the development on the surrounding network associated with the extraction of circa 0.6Mt of coal and fireclay.
The TS proposed a new site access and a haul route to minimise the impacts on the surrounding road network and neighbouring communities.
Despite support from the highways officers at Durham County Council, Sunderland City Council (as the neighbouring authority) and the Highways Agency, the proposal was refused planning permission.
The decision was appealed by Hargreaves and SAJ provide expert witness evidence at the Public Inquiry.
Expert witness statements and evidence at the Public Inquiry addressed the highways concerns of the Local Authority and third party objectors, contributing to planning approval
Hargreaves Surface Mining Ltd